Agenda Item 6

Place Overview & Scrutiny Committee      


Subject:        Place Overview & Scrutiny Committee Terms of Reference


Date of meeting:    23 July 2024                                                                                       


Report of:                 Chair of Place Overview & Scrutiny


Contact Officer:      Name: Giles Rossington, Policy, Partnerships & Scrutiny Team Manager


                                    Tel: 01273 295514



Ward(s) affected: (All Wards);


Key Decision: No




For general release



1.            Purpose of the report and policy context



1.1         The Terms of Reference for the Place Overview & Scrutiny (O&S) Committee are presented for information to committee members at the first meeting of the committee. The Terms of Reference were agreed by Council at its Annual Meeting on 16 May 2024.



2.            Recommendations



2.1         Overview & Scrutiny notes the content of this report.



3.            Context and background information


3.1         Brighton & Hove City Council agreed to adopt a Leader & Cabinet governance model at the 16 May 2024 Annual Council meeting. All councils operating this type of ‘executive’ governance model are required to have at least one Overview & Scrutiny (O&S) committee for non-executive members to hold the Council’s executive to account.

3.2         Scrutiny is an essential part of ensuring that local government remains transparent, accountable and open, resulting in improved public policies, services and outcomes. The overview and scrutiny function will provide constructive challenge to achieve better outcomes to residents. The scrutiny function is able to question cabinet members and other council partners to gain further knowledge around an issues and make effective, evidence based recommendations. It also provides an important opportunity for councillors to be involved in policy development, ensuring that the interests of communities are considered.


3.3         Annual Council agreed a model in which there are 3 O&S committees: People, Place and Health. The Health O&S committee (HOSC) will focus on external scrutiny of NHS services accessed by city residents. People and Place committees will be internally focused, scrutinising the work of the Council’s Cabinet. Council agreed Terms of Reference for each of the O&S committees and the ToR for Place committee are included as Appendix 1.


3.3       Place O&S committee has a remit which encompasses:


• Corporate services (including legal and democratic services, policy and corporate communications, performance improvement and programmes)

 • Finance and procurement

 • Human resources

 • IT&D

 • Housing delivery (including regeneration) and Housing supply

 • Culture and leisure services, including arts and creative industries, tourism, leisure, parks & open spaces, seafront

• Transport, including highways, traffic management and parking management and enforcement

 • Planning policy, conservation and design

 • Waste management and control

 • Economic development and regeneration

 • Environmental awareness & enforcement, and sustainability

 • Safer communities, emergency planning, licensing policy, environmental health and trading standards

• And any other services within the scope of the Corporate Services and City Services directorates that are not included in the Terms of Reference of another Overview and Scrutiny Committee.



3.4       Place O&S committee has 4 scheduled meetings per year. More information of the roles and responsibilities of the Place O&S committee can be found in the committee Terms of Reference agreed by Council (Appendix 1).



4.            Analysis and consideration of alternative options



4.1         Not relevant to this report for information.


5.            Community engagement and consultation



5.1      Not relevant to this report for information.



6.            Financial implications



6.1 None directly related to this information report


Name of finance officer consulted: Ishemupenyu Chagonda  Date 28/06/2024.


7.            Legal implications



7.1       There are no legal implications to raise  relation to this report, which is for     noting.


Name of lawyer consulted: Elizabeth Culbert     Date consulted 260624


8.            Equalities implications



8.1         None directly for this information report. The Council’s approach to Overview & Scrutiny recognises the value of input from a wide range of city communities, including people with protected characteristics, and to this end the People O&S committee includes co-opted members representing younger people, older people, local community and voluntary sector organisations, parent carers and Black and racially minoritised viewpoints.


9.            Sustainability implications



9.1         None directly for this information report.


10.       Health and Wellbeing Implications:



10.1     None directly for this information report.


Other Implications


11.       Procurement implications



11.1    None identified.


12.       Crime & disorder implications:



12.1       None identified.


13.     Conclusion



13.1      Place O&S committee members are asked to note the committee Terms of Reference and O&S procedures.



Supporting Documentation


1.            Appendices

1.            Place O&S Committee Terms of Reference